Some random stuff that made me laugh so hard I fell out of my chair.

I’m not afraid of death. What’s it gonna do? Kill me?

Copy and paste this to your profile if you haven’t died yet.

Cross over to the dark side… WE HAVE COOKIES!!!!!!!

I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it

They say ‘Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.’ Well, I think the guns help. If you just stood there and yelled BANG I don’t think you’d kill too many people.

If you don’t like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk.

Never knock on Death’s door, ring the bell and run away, he hates that

Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most

An apple keeps the doctor away, if well aimed

When people ask dumb questions, I feel obligated to give sarcastic answers.

I’ve always wanted to go into an elevator full of strangers and say “I bet you’re wondering why I’ve gathered you all here today.”

If I still can’t hear or understand what you said after you repeated it 3 times, I’ll just laugh and hope it wasn’t a question.

I constantly have weird conversations with my friends and then think if someone heard us, they would take us to a mental hospital.

I love how in scary movies, the person yells out “Hello?” As if the bad guy is going to be like, “Yeah, I’m in the kitchen. Want a sandwich?”

I hate how, when it’s dark, your brain suddenly thinks, you know what we haven’t thought of in a long time? Demons!

When I’m waiting in a long line for food, I rehearse the order in my head.

Using a different word because you can’t spell the one you originally wanted to use.

If people winked as much in real life as they did in texts, the world would be a pretty creepy place.

If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving isn’t for you.

I don’t care how old I am. If I see a bubble, I will hunt it down and pop it.

What happens if you get scared half to death… twice?

Never do anything that you wouldn’t want to explain to the paramedics.

The dinosaurs extinction wasn’t an accident. Barney came and they all committed suicide.

I run with scissors, it makes me feel dangerous.

When everything’s coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.

If swimming is so good for your figure, how do you explain whales?

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep – not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

I smile because I have no idea what’s going on!

One day, we will look back on this, laugh nervously, and change the subject.

Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up.

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have more birthdays live longer.

Didn’t fall, I was just testing gravity. Yep, still works.

Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the main reason I have trust issues.

I’m not clumsy. It’s just the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies, and the wall gets in the way.

I love everybody. Some I love to be around, some I love to avoid, and others I’d love to punch in the face.

If you fall, I’ll be there. -Floor

Laughing so hard, no noise coming out, so you sit there clapping like a retarded seal.

That awkward moment when you gently toss your phone on your bed and it decides to bounce off 3 walls, knock down 2 lamps, and kill a cat.

Best friends are people who will kill each other over a bag of chips.

They’re laughing at me because the think I’m weird. I’m laughing at them because they only figured it out now.

I love school. Except for the learning part. That part gotta go.

When life gives you lemons…you throw them at people!

If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic…

An apple a day keeps the doctor away… but why would you want to keep him away when you have the chance of meeting him and helping him save the world some day? You know what? I’m going to stop eating apples right now.

I’m pretty sure Mondays need to go die.

Don’t try to out-weird me. YOU WILL LOSE.

I didn’t lose my mind. It’s at home sitting next to my common sense.

If you get caught staring at least you know he was looking back.

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

You say I’m not cool. Cool is another word for cold. If I’m not cold, I must be hot. I already knew that, but thank you for telling me!

1 out of 4 people are insane. Look at your three best friends. If it’s not them, it’s you.

My shinbone has a purpose: I use it to find furniture in dark rooms.

There is always a voice in the back of my head telling me what is good for me. I usually turn it off by having chocolate.

Of course I’m out of my mind! It’s dark and scary in there!

I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.

I used up all my sick days…so I called in dead.

Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall through a sewer hole and die.

If aliens are looking for intelligent life, why the heck are you scared?!

I’m a female. Fe = Iron. Male = Man. Therefore, I am Iron man. If you are a nerd, you will agree now that females are the dominant gender.

When cleaning my room: 1% cleaning, 30% complaining, 69% playing with stuff I just found.

That LIKE A BOSS moment when you get the answer right and the smart kid doesn’t. But what if you’re the smart kid?

Shower = the place of thoughts and decision making.

If you can’t win an argument, correct their grammar instead.

No one is afraid of heights, they are afraid of the fall. No one is afraid of the dark, they’re afraid of what’s in it.

No ipods in school, yeah like hearing “Winter Wrap Up” for the millionth time will give me all of the answers.

I hate when websites ask, “are you human?” umm hello? I’m obviously a Dracon/time lord/nerd/unicorn/Ravenclaw house Hogwarts student/Jedi.

“H3y, wh@t R y0uu dO!nq?!” Well, I’m about to throw a dictionary in your face.

Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much

We’re best friends. You hurt, I hurt. You laugh, I laugh. You jump off a bridge, I laugh harder.

Reality is more fun when you make it up

Kids are the future. Be afraid. Be very afraid!

What happens if you get scared half to death twice? That’s a really good question…i wonder…

You feel feel sorry for me because I’m mad

And I pity you because you think you’re normal.

Anyway, I hope you liked this!

A Fateful Day

It was two years since Orange Swirl and Scooter were first introduced to the school and they were, as expected, top of the class. Scooter had been studying directly with Discord, learning that she had the most draconocuus blood in her out of all the dracons. She was surprised when her blood test results came in. “75 percent? That’s an academy record!”

Orange was highly advanced in transfiguration magic, or turning one thing into another thing. She was the first foal in her class to successfully turn a match into a needle without blowing something up.

They had also made tons of new friends. The 1/3 triplet known as Ladybug was the best filly to look to when you needed something protected. She could make standard force fields, but her limitations didn’t stop there. She could set up elaborate traps with poison darts and huge boulders (The darts only put you to sleep for a few minuets and the boulder was usually made out of styrofoam, but it was surprisingly effective). The other 1/3, Bumblebee, was extremely strong in invisibility and camouflage. He could play the biggest pranks on any unsuspecting bystander this way, and matched his sister’s specialty very well. Robin, however was extremely shy. If you did not know her, then you would think that she wasn’t part of the triplets. She mostly hung around Fluttershy, helping her care for the abundance of animals in the garden, including some additions Discord had made, like the jackolope, platypus, and even some parasprites (the parasprites were under a spell so they wouldn’t go out of control eating everything again). Actually, the parasprites did help do something useful.

Perry was quite interested in the parasprites and was constantly in the garden, studying them. He could tell any pony how many times a parasprite’s heart could beat in one minute. “73 times per minute.” He could tell you what each color of parasprite stood for. “Orange stands for leader, brown for worker, blue for medic…” (he would then go into a long description of which color stood for each type, which I know no one wants to hear). He knew everything there was to know about them, even learned their language, which consisted of a series of notes that was similar to humming. One day, he was in the garden, helping to feed the many creatures, when he spotted something brown underneath a leaf. He gasped. It was a leader parasprite with a broken wing! Without a leader, the poor creatures couldn’t do anything but wander around aimlessly. The leader was the core to a parasprite hive. Perry couldn’t stand to see this poor creature like this. He went to find Fluttershy, but she was nowhere! He asked Discord where she was. “She went to lunch  with her friends. She’ll probably be back in an hour.”

Oh no. Perry thought. An hour to a pony is like a year to a parasprite. They won’t make it without a leader for an hour. He sighed. Because magic was not allowed outside of classes, he couldn’t use his chaos to mend its wing. No, he would have to do this the old-fashioned way.

He knew that there were some blue parasprites in the colony, but he would have to get them to go to the leader. He couldn’t risk picking it up, for fear it might hurt its wing even more. He would need to speak the parasprite language. He knew how to understand the hums and purrs that came from them, but he had never been able to imitate them. The colony was in the west side of the garden, and the leader was in the far east of the garden. He had to fly there, despite his flimsy wings. He got a running start, then started to flap his wings 73 times per minute. He flew faster, faster, the wind blowing in his blue and orange mane. When he finally  got to the colony, he couldn’t fly any longer. His insect-like wings were to fragile to risk flying back. He needed the parasprites to go back to the west, so he tried humming a sequence of notes that were supposed to mean “Help needed west”. What he didn’t expect was for the parasprites to act so quickly, It was his first time actually talking parasprite language, after all. But they understood him, and headed off to the west to help their leader. Just then, a flash of light appeared on his flank, and where once was just grey skin was now a cutie mark! It had three parasprites, one pink, one blue, one brown. This was the first time any dracon got a cutie mark! When the news spread school wide, every pony was trying to get theirs, too. So began a new adventure for a new group of foals.

Me Fangirling About Discord and a Few Other Things

OH MY GOSH! HAVE YOU SEEN THE MY LITTLE PONY SEASON FOUR FINALE! IT WAS AMAZING! The fight scene with Teirek vs Twilight Sparkle was animation worthy of Disney! The fact that Discord was in it only made it 20% cooler! As you probably know, Discord is my favorite character, villain, alicorn princess, and Hogwarts student. He is voice acted by John de Lancy, who also played Q in Star Trek, which is cool because Q and Discord have extremely similar character arcs. Also, his role in that episode was FANTASTIC! It wasn’t a Discord-centered episode, but it really felt like one. I don’t spoil endings, so I won’t say his major role in the episode. Also, there was Fluttershy and Discord interaction! As Fluttershy would say (Says in a high, quiet voice) “yay!”. I absolutely ADORE it when they interact. It really shows because my favorite episode is “Keep Calm and Flutter On”, in which Discord is sent by princess Celestia to the mane six so he could be reformed by Fluttershy so he could use his chaos for good instead of evil. Also, my favorite fanfic is “Bride of Discord” by Disneyfanatic 2364, which is basically “Beuty and the Beast”, except Fluttershy doesn’t have Stockholm syndrome. If you are reading this, DF, YOU ARE THE BEST WRITER IN ALL OF THE UNIVERSES I HAVE EVER TRAVELED TO! Though, there is a universe out there in the void where you don’t even exist, where everyone is a dog, where fanfics have never been invented, etc. What is very unique about Discord is that he isn’t even fully reformed. Nightmare moon turned straight back into princess Luna after the elements hit her, but when Discord was reformed by Fluttershy, he was still some of his old, chaotic self. In “Three is a Crowd”, he is constantly causing mischief for Twilight and Cadence. He even sings a song with the purpose of just overwhelming them with everything he needs to “get over the blue flu”, where he says he needs a glass of water, codfish oil from a crystal cruet, pumpkin soup, scarves made out of silk, a new trapeze, basil, a wig, a goat on skis, and I can’t even remember the rest. But, where’s the fun in making sense? He is the spirit of chaos and disharmony. Don’t expect anything expected.

Why My Little Pony is my favorite show

I am a HUGE brony. I am constantly on, I love drawing fan art, and I watch the show constantly. Some people wonder why a person like me would like something like that. And I have an answer. We are in a golden age of cartoons with things like “Adventure Time”, “Gravity Falls”, “Legends of Kora”, and many others. What society did not expect was for something targeted at little girls to be worked really hard on, to have compelling characters (My favorite is Discord), to have amazing animation, and to have interesting story lines. The shows I previously mentioned are all not directly targeted at kids. Both adults and juveniles can still watch it and enjoy it because the show’s creators are targeting their sights at adults and children. All of the shows are well worked on, having workers spend time and detail to get a finished product. My little Pony is targeted at a younger audience, but the workers are putting as much effort as they would a show more for grown-ups. This was surprising because with shows like “Littlest Pet Shop”, which has bad quality animation, bad writing, and bad characterization, the MLP staff have put a lot of effort into this show. It gives bronies a reason to like a little kid’s show, which they haven’t gotten to watch since they were kids. But I, personally am a fan because the first episode I watched was “Return of Harmony”, which is when Discord first showed up, and I really loved “Star Trek” at the time, so I really saw Q when watching Discord. Imagine my surprise when I found out that the voice actor who does Discord is John de Lancy, the same actor who does Q! But, that’s just the opinion of some nerd blogging on her laptop. Leave something in the comments about what you think!

The Story of how Scooter Came to Be

It all started a thousand years ago. Discord was still ruling Equestria in his chaotic ways. Because this was a time before Celestia and Luna, there was not much any pony could do. But a brave group of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies alike came before Discord and tried to defeat him using all the strength they could muster. Discord merely laughed and summoned an iron cage around them. The group tried to escape, but there was an anti – teleportation spell protecting it. The ponies then started calling Discord such terrible things. “Freak!” “Misshapen!” “Monster!” Discord stopped laughing. He hated being called such things. “Well, if I’m a monster, then I have been a little too nice with you, then haven’t I? Well, if I’m a monster, then how about this?!” Lightning crashed behind him amongst the cotton candy clouds. “I, Discord, the lord of chaos, curse you! So that all of your children and your children’s children and so forth will become a ‘monster’ like me!” He cast the spell, but just then, a flash of light came down from the sky. There, flew two alicorns, one with a white coat and a rainbow – colored mane, the other a dark blue coat and a mane that looked like a starry night sky. They used the elements of harmony to turn Discord to stone. The alicorns, who were named Celestia and Luna, were made the princesses of Equestria, but they did not know about the curse. The elements of harmony overlapped the curse, hopefully forever.

One thousand years later, a class of foals from ponyville took a school field trip to the Canterlot gardens, and three fillies unknowingly set Discord free, letting him respread his chaos. No one but Discord knew that this act would resume the curse, so that all of the descendants of the cursed ponies would be born draconoqui. What no one knew was that all of that time had almost undone the curse. Almost. For far away, out of Equestria, a pony hospital inhabited two new fillies, but something was worn with them.

“Um, Mister and Misses Swirl?” warily said one of the doctors.

“Yes?” asked Mrs. Swirl, “Is something wrong with our new filly?”

“Err… Well the same thing seemed to have happened next door, so we think it might be a disease…”

“WHAT? Is our new daughter sick? What’s wrong with her?” asked Mr. Swirl

“I actually think it would be better if you see for yourself,” he replied.

The doctor led the Swirl family into another room where all of the newborn foals were. Beside two cribs was an abundance of nurses and doctors, and even a few security ponies. Inside the one that held the swirls’ child was a filly with an orange and pink  mane and a yellow coat. but what really surprised the couple were her wings. It was not uncommon on its own, except one of her wings was a black bat wing. She also had two horns. both of which were definitely not unicorn horns. In the crib beside her was a similar filly, but she was a unicorn with a white coat and a blue mane, and her bat wing was red. The couple gasped. “What in Equestria happened to make our daughter so… odd?!” asked Mrs. Swirl.

“The doctors are still working on figuring that out. It’s bad enough that the other one’s mother died during the child-birth.”

“What can we do?” asked Mr. Swirl “How will Licorice take it when we tell him his sister is this…this THING?”

“Sir! Sir!” A voice called out from behind. It was one of the nurses. “We think we have a lead on why this is happening!” The nurse stopped to catch his breath, and he handed the doctor some papers. “It appears that there is a creature by the name of Discord who is terrorizing Ponyville! His description is very similar to what these two fillies have.”

The Swirl’s daughter woke up from her rest and saw her parents. She smiled to reveal a snake tooth among the rest of her teeth. “We have to figure this out.”

Just then a shadowy figure in the corner spoke he wore a long, black overcoat and spoke in a british accent. “I think I have a hypothesis.”

“And just who are you?” demanded the doctor.

The strange stallion ignored this and carried on. “A thousand years ago, Discord cursed a group of ponies that all of their children would be draconoqui, but the elements of harmony overlapped the curse, until now.” The ponies stared at the stallion. He continued, “My guess would be that these two fillies are the descendants of those ponies, but they are definitely not full draconoqui,” he said as he pulled a strange stick – like thing out of his trench coat that he used to scan the two foals with a strange green light along with an otherworldly sound. He then looked at the stick thing and smiled with surprise. “Just as I had predicted,” He turned to the Swirls. “I believe your daughter has aproximently 74.3% draconocuus DNA.” he turned to the other filly. “Now, where are her parents?”

The nurse hung his head. “She’s an orphan now. Father died in this very hospital of cancer, and her mother died during child-birth.”

“Oh,” said the mysterious man with a touch of sadness in his voice. “Well, we should probably check and see if they posses any chaos powers.” This was answered when a bottle of orange juice appeared in front of the newborn Swirl. Back in ponyville, Discord suddenly sensed a magical imbalance somewhere far away. He exuded this as just a side effect of all the chaos he had been making and shrugged it off. The mysterious stallion back in the hospital then said, “Well that answers that question.” He then turned to the other filly, who had awoken and was looking curiously into the stallion’s blue eyes. “Now, what are we going to do with you?” She shrugged as if she understood what he was saying, which she did. The blue-haired filly used her magic to make a bottle of chocolate milk appear.

“So, what do we do with two part-draconoqui?” asked another doctor who had been supervising the foals.

“Well, first you need to name your new daughter, I mean, it surprises me that you haven’t already done that,” he said to the Swirls.

“Are you saying that we should actually raise this abomination?!” exclaimed Mr. Swirl.

“No, I’m saying you need to name her. She’s your child, and you get to decide what you want to do with her. As for the other, I guess I should take responsibility for her,” he said.

The Swirls gave their first daughter the name Orange Swirl, and said “We have decided that we do not want something like her around our growing family. We will adopt a filly from the orphanage and that will be Licorice’s sister.” They said this very firmly to signify that they had made up their minds. They then went out of the room to pay the hospital bill at the front desk.

“Well, I guess I can take care of two chaotic fillies,” said the stallion. He then went out the back door of the hospital carrying the two fillies to an out-of-place looking blue box, which disappeared with an equally out of this world sound.

The trio was met on board the box (Which was strangely bigger on the inside) by a pegasus mare with eyes that pointed two different directions. “You know, we could be taking a huge risk bringing two chaotic foals on board,” she said.

“Or a huge advantage,” he replied to his companion. He set the fillies down in a large, wooden crib with stars hanging from the top and they slowly drifted to sleep.

Part two:

It was five years since the fillies had been born and they were the best of friends. They loved exploring the long corridors of the TARDIS, always discovering new rooms and new technology. Scooter, as she had named herself liked going to the swimming pool library. She could stay there hours on end, reading and swimming at the same time, though she had to put a waterproofing spell on the books so they wouldn’t get wet. Orange Swirl enjoyed making candy in the kitchen with Derpy. Orange would always drop a few of her candies into Derpy’s muffins. Right now, there was a birthday cake baking in the oven, celebrating their fifth birthdays. Doctor went into the kitchen where Derpy was preparing the icing for the cake. She looked at him with concern. “Why do you look so worried? This is a happy occasion!”

“Yes, but they’re turning fiveCorrect me if I’m wrong, but I believe that is around the age a foal starts school. Of course, that’s how it was back in the other universe that I was in.”

Derpy stopped stirring the icing. “Can’t you teach them?”

“I’m not really a good teacher. They’d be learning about quantum physics by the second year if I had my way.”

“Oh, well, I can’t teach them. I was just a mail mare back in Ponyville.”

They stood in silence for a while. “Didn’t Scooter teach herself how to read?”

“That was her chaotic powers deciphering what was on the page. It wasn’t really teaching herself.”

Derpy didn’t know what to say to that. “Oh, Doctor, how will they ever be able to go on a mission if someone can’t teach them how to use their powers? Neither of us are unicorns, and even if we can get some pony to teach them unicorn magic, they won’t be able to teach them how to use their chaos!”

“Exactly,” he said. “But right about now, Discord is reformed and has even married a pegasus in Ponyville. I believe he will be able to teach them how to use their magic.”

The timer on the oven beeped and Derpy called to the girls to get ready to eat.

Derpy, Doctor, Orange Swirl, and Scooter all gathered around the table to eat cake. They didn’t usually throw parties in the TARDIS. When they did, it was usually very simple. A bit of cake, maybe a few presents. But Doctor and Derpy had news for the girls this year. When they were sitting at the table, eating the vanilla cake Derpy had made, making polite conversation. Just then, Doctor said (Or rather tried to say) casually, “You know, we’re going to Ponyville for a little while. You two are going to get a tuition with Discord so you can learn how to use your chaos.”

“WHAT?!” Both Orange Swirl and Scooter said in perfect unison. “But, Doctor, we’ve never been outside the TARDIS before! Let alone interact with any pony besides you and Derpy!” Exclaimed Orange. “And conjured up duplicates,” added Scooter.

“I know it may be a little shocking that you will be tutored by the lord of chaos, but trust us, it’ll be fun!” said Derpy

“But what if other ponies laugh at us for the way we look?”

“What if we’re attacked by the anti-chaos mobs? I’ve read about them, and they seem really scary!”

“What if we screw everything up and end up turning an apple into a balloon or something?”

“Now, girls,” Derpy interjected. “We all know that Discord is definitely the best option if we want you to be taught about chaos. You can use your magic to disguise yourself to hide the fact that you are dracons. And I know you won’t mess up. You two have worked so hard on your magic. I just know you’ll be at the top of the class in no time.”

They both sighed. “We’re just worried, that’s all,” then their ears perked up “Wait, what did you mean by ‘top of the class’? There isn’t going to be an entire class, just us.”

Doctor smiled at them. “Ever since Discord has come back, there have been more and more dracon sightings. You aren’t the only descendants to the cursed ponies, after all. But, I find it interesting that you seem to be the very first dracons. You will most definitely be the oldest in the school.”

The fillies thought about this. They could use their magic to have telepathic conversations with each other, which was what they were doing now. They contemplated what they had just heard. Finally, they came to consensus. “Okay.”

The next morning, everyone went to the main control room. Doctor and Derpy were starting up the TARDIS while Orange and Scooter waited patiently, Orange brushing off her multi-colored scarf Doctor had given to her as a birthday present, while Scooter straightened her fez that had also been a present. Doctor then pulled the squiggly switch, and they were off, rocking back and forth slowly as the TARDIS traveled through the space and time vortex. Shortly after, they heard the telltale whirring sound that the TARDIS had landed. Every pony got out to meet a large garden full of trees and animals. “This is the right place” Doctor said, pointing ahead “Welcome to the castle of chaos.”

In front of them stood a grand stone castle with cotton candy clouds floating high above and a checker pattern with varying colors as a front lawn. The fillies stared up in awe at the building that would be their school for the next… however long these things took. “So, where is Discord anyway?” inquired Orange.

She was answered by a flash of light as the master of chaos himself appeared in front of them. “Did I hear someone call?”

Both of the fillies gasped. Scooter knew of his greatness because she had read all about him. Orange knew him because Scooter would not stop talking about him. So, at that moment, all they could possibly say was “Wow. I never thought I would meet you in person.”

“Hm, yes, I’m sure you’ve heard of me, being the master of chaos. Ooh! Speaking of chaos, I see you’ve brought your little box! I’ve always wondered how that works without magic. I thought I was the only one skilled enough to make something bigger on the inside, but you seem to have figured it out. How did you do it?”

“Well, you can show the image of an entire city on a television screen in a living room, but you can’t fit an entire city into a living room.”

“That makes no sense, but then again, where’s the fun in making sense?” he turned his attention to Orange and Scooter. “Now, I’m sure you’re wondering who your classmates will be. well, they are having a recess time right now, so I can introduce you both to the school.” He looked back at Doctor and Derpy. “I believe Ms. Derpy here has a house back in Ponyville you can stay in.” He gestured for the fillies to follow him to a seemingly empty space. “This I am quite prideful of. You need to imagine that the school is there, and it will appear.”

They concentrated on the empty space and imagined a building was there, and suddenly one appeared! It looked like a regular brick building with windows that looked a little mismatched, with each one being a different shape. It had a sign above the door that read “Discord’s School for Talented Ponies”. He led them through the large front doors were they saw line upon line of doors. They too were all mismatched, them all being different colors and different shapes. In between the many doors were posters that had quotes on them, posters advertising school clubs, and an assortment of other posters. He led them to a green and blue door with a metal outline. Once he opened it, a flurry of shouting, energetic foals met them. Discord conjured a whistle and blew it to quiet the crowd. “Every dracon, these are the new students, Orange Swirl and Scooter. They are a little bit older than all of you, I know, but they will be treated in the same respect as anyone else.” He then bent down and whispered so only they could hear, “Good luck trying to survive.” And with a flourish and a flash of light, he was gone.

Immediately all of the students lined up to tell the fillies their names.

“I’m Checker Dot,” said a black, red, and white colt.

“I’m Tulip,” said a yellow, white and pink unicorn filly.

“We’re Ladybug and Bumblebee! We’re 2/3 of the terrific trio!” said both a yellow and black pegasus and a red and black pegasus. “The other 1/3 is over there,” they said, pointing to a turquoise and blue earth pony. “Her name is Robin.”

“I’m Perry,” said a grey colt with insect-like wings and a green and orange mane.

The two fillies introduced themselves to all 32 students. What they did not know was that this would be the start of an amazing adventure.